ECCE 2023 – Responsible Technology
community, culture, and sustainability
19 – 22 September 2023
We look forward to welcoming you all to beautiful Swansea, Wales this September for ECCE 2023 – on the campus on the beach!
Important Dates
- Monday, 18th September 2023: ECCE Doctoral Consortium
- Tuesday 19th September 2023: ECCE Workshops
- Wednsday 20th – Friday 22nd: ECCE main conference
The ECCE (European Conference in Cognitive Ergonomics) was established in 1982, and is the leading conference in human-media interaction and cognitive engineering. It is the annual conference of EACE (European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics) that brings together researchers from different disciplines to identify and tackle issues in cognitive ergonomics.
As the role of digital technologies in our life changes rapidly and drastically, each year ECCE identifies prominent themes in cognitive ergonomics that currently occupy researchers’ and applied scientists’ efforts.
The special theme for ECCE in 2023 is Responsible Technology: Community, Culture, and Sustainability.

Call for Papers
Organisers & Contact
Alan Dix, Swansea University and Cardiff Metropolitan University
Irene Reppa, Swansea University
Harry Witchel, Brighton & Sussex Medical School
Carina Westling, Bournemouth University
Please contact us on