
Workshops: This year we have the pleasure of running two workshops on the day before the main conference – Tuesday 19th September. You are invited to submit position papers for either workshop – details appear below.

The titles of the workshops are “Dark Patterns in HCI Design: the shadow side of cognitive ergonomics, platform effects and hidden incentives” and “Analysing the quality of collaboration: cognitive ergonomics meets data analytics“.

The deadline for position papers in either workshop is May 15th, 18.00 (CET).

Costs: Registration for workshops will cost 60 GBP for those that register for the main conference, and 90 GBP for those that only attend the workshop. Registration will open in April.

Workshop 1: Dark Patterns in HCI Design: the shadow side of cognitive ergonomics, platform effects and hidden incentives.


Raymond Bond, Christof van Nimwegen, Carina Westling, and Harry J Witchel


This workshop will explore the ethics of dark patterns in HCI design. Dark Patterns in HCI occur when an interface design lures users (or designers) into unintended, undesired and involuntary actions by misdirecting, confusing, or exhausting the user or designer. This includes intentional or unintentional incentivization mechanisms, perverse monetization, implicit or deliberate bias and discrimination, behavioural ‘nudging’ that is embedded in design, and unethical design that coerces, manipulates or corrupts user (and designer) activity. Christof van Nimwegen will start this workshop by showing how these patterns are not just “sloppy” or “inelegant” designs without ill intent but are sometimes rather carefully crafted with an understanding of human psychology. Examples include choices that are effectively forced; interface design that exposes the user to content they do not wish to see and cannot easily deselect; interface design that stimulates compulsive behaviours; embedded race or gender bias in AI, face recognition, sensor technologies and/or automated screening and sifting algorithms; selection bias; unethical uses of machine learning and methods; programmatic presentation that misrepresents optionality or customer choice to serve business objectives with insufficient transparency and systemic incentivization of behaviours that erode civic society. We shall:

  • gain better understanding of the cascading effects of embedded incentivization mechanisms
  • explore ramifications of design choices when implemented at scale
  • and, identify relevant questions for ethical HCI design.

In addition to group discussions and breakout groups relating to ethical dilemmas, attendees will be allowed (but not required) to present a pre-prepared 5-minute (PowerPoint) flashtalk.

For further information or to propose a flashtalk topic, contact with “Dark Patterns workshop” in the subject line.

Workshop 2: Analysing the quality of collaboration: cognitive ergonomics meets data analytics


Michael J. Baker, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, Françoise Détienne, Stéphane Safin, Simon Buckingham Shum, Mutlu Cukurova, Myriam Lewkowicz


This workshop aims to study theories, models and analysis techniques that enable to understand and assess the quality of collaborative activity in task-oriented interactions. In particular, the goal is to capitalise on the links between research in cognitive ergonomics on the quality of collaboration and research in the domains of analytics and data science applied to collaborative situations. Application domains may range from various workplace and educational situations involving varied tasks (collaborative design, learning, decision-making, teaming, etc.).

The workshop will be organised as an interactive work group event, including short talks and group discussions. Each participant is expected to submit a 2-4 page position papers, before May 15th 2023. More details and a call for submission can be found here.

To propose a position paper, please contact: Françoise Détienne ( AND Jean-Marie Burkhardt (