Conference Schedule

Conference Schedule

The ECCE 2023 conference schedule can be found here (opens in a new tab).

Week’s Program at a Glance

Monday 18th (Bay Campus) – Doctoral Consortium

This is a closed meeting with DC chairs and DC students

Tuesday 19th September (Bay Campus) – Workshops

This meeting is open to those who have registered for either of the two ECCE workshops. The workshop schedules are coming soon.

Wednesday 20th September (Bay Campus) – Main Conference

  • 09:00 Welcome
  • 09:10 Keynote by Prof. John McCarthy
  • 10:10 Coffee Break
  • 10:30 Session 1: Education | Information
  • 12:40 Lunch Break
  • 13:30 Session 2: Embodiment | Work
  • 15:20 Coffee Break
  • 16:00 Session 3: Virtual and Mixed Reality
  • 17:00 End of Day 1
  • 17:30 Bus to Mumbles (Norton House)
  • 18:00 EACE Annual Meeting (Norton House)
  • 19:00 Welcome Reception (Norton House)

Thursday 21st September (Village Hotel, Swansea Marina) – Main Meeting

  • 09:00 Keynote by Dr. Clara Crivellaro
  • 10:00 DC summaries (5 min per DC candidate x4)
  • 10:20 Coffee Break | DC Poster Break
  • 11:00 Session 4: AI and Data | Health
  • 13.10 Lunch Break
  • 14:00 Session 5: Neurodiversity | Navigation
  • 15:40 End of Day 2
  • 16:00 Leave for the Gower Peninsula + Walk
  • 19:00 Conference Dinner at Oxwich Bay Hotel

Friday 22nd September (Village Hotel, Swansea Marina) – Main Meeting

  • 09:00 Keynote by Dr. Elizabeth Churchill (online)
  • 10:00 Coffee Break
  • 10:30 Session 6: Heritage | Cognition
  • 11:50 Coffee Break
  • 12.15 Closing Keynote by Prof. Rob Pepperell
  • 13.15 ECCE 2024 Announcement and Farewell
  • 13:30 Goodbye Lunch