
The published ACM ECCE’23 Proceedings are now available here:

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Strategies, Practices, And Challenges In Interactive Prototypes Construction: A Field Study In A Design CourseAndrea Alessandrinidownload
Moments Of Surprise: Preparing Technology-Oriented Students For Interdisciplinary Work. Anke Dittmardownload
Rlabs Youth Cafés And The Zlto Exchange System – Implementing A Community Currency On Smartphones, To Promote Personal Development In A Socially Challenged Community.Jörn Christianssondownload
Designing Multimodal Video Search By Examples (MVSE) User Interfaces: UX Requirements Elicitation And Insights From Semi-Structured Interviews. Kyle Boyd, Patrick McAllister, Maurice Mulvenna, Raymond Bond, Hui Wang, Ivor Spence, Guanfeng Wu, and Abbas Haiderdownload
Understanding The Challenge Of The Energy Crisis – Tackling System Complexity With Megagaming.Björn Johansson, Peter Berggren, and Ola Leiflerdownload
The Impact of Scrollytelling on the Reading Experience of Long-Form Journalism. Anja Tjärnhage, Ulrik Söderström, Ole Norberg, Mattias Andersson, and Thomas Mejtoftdownload
Illuminating Muscle Memory’s Sinister Side: A Social Media Case Study.Mariliza Kontogeorgou, Christof van Nimwegen, and Almila Akdagdownload
How Work-Related Communication Applications Affect Perceived Stress Levels Among Employees.Ulrik Söderström, Olivia Harlin, Ole Norberg, and Thomas Mejtoftdownload
Between Problems and Meaningful Challenges – Drywall Installer’s Work Demands.Marja Liinasuo, Tuisku-Tuuli Salonen, and Christopher Görschdownload
Human-Swarm Interaction in Semi-voluntary Search and Rescue Operations: Opportunities and Challenges.Jonathan Källbäcker and Oscar Bjurlingdownload
Building and Restructuring Social Media Platforms for Non-Binary Users: Pilot Survey of Non-Binary Social Media Users. Molly O’Reilly-Kimedownload
Breaking Social Isolation for Older People Living Alone with Technology.Jerome Dinet, Yann Morere, Rui Nouchi, Kohei Sakaki, Fabien Clanche, and Matthieu Casterandownload
Move’n’Hold: Scalable Device-Based Interaction for Mixed Reality Handheld Displays.Vera Marie Memmesheimer, Kai Jonas Klingshirn, Bahram Ravani, and Achim Ebertdownload
Tool-based Interaction for Precise Manipulation in VR: an Exploratory Study.Eva Geurts, Jan Van den Bergh, and Bram Vanherledownload
Hope or Doom AI-ttitude? Examining the Impact of Gender, Age, and Cultural Differences on the Envisioned Future Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Humankind.Simone Grassini and Alexander Sævild Reedownload
Asymmetries in the Moral Judgements for Human Decision-Makers and Artificial Intelligence Systems (AI) Delegated to Make Legal Decisions.Oronzo Parlangeli, Francesco Currò, Paola Palmitesta, and Stefano Guididownload
Interactive Forecasts: Exploring Very Uncertain Projections of Quantitative Variables.Martin Colbertdownload
Cookies And Trust: Trust In Organizations And The Design of Cookie Consent Prompts.Thomas Mejtoft, Nike Vejbrink Starbrink, Carla Roos Morales, Ole Norberg, Mattias Andersson, and Ulrik Söderströmdownload
A Case Study of Data-Enabled Design for Cardiac Telemonitoring.Alireza Khanshan, Lars Giling, Panos Markopoulos, and Pieter Van Gorpdownload
The Typology of Digital Health Apps According to their Quality Scores and User Ratings: K-Means Clustering.Maciej Hyzy, Raymond Bond, Maurice Mulvenna, Lu Bai, and Simon Leighdownload
Exploring the Variability of Human Factors and Usability Testing Methods for Evaluating Medical Devices – Preliminary ResultsOzelle Kimalel, Kyle Boyd, Justin Magee, and Raymond Bonddownload
Toward Designing for Social Connectedness in Cardiovascular Disease Self-CareJhon Adri´nmCerón-Guzm´n, Jun Hu, Daniel Tetteroo, and Panos Markopoulosdownload
Do Children with Autism Benefit from Educational Interventions Utilizing a Tangible Interface and Audio-augmented Drawings?Andrea Alessandrinidownload
Does the Riskier Driving of Drivers with ADHD Generalize to Professional Drivers that are Monitored by Their Supervisors?Tomer Elbaum, Assaf Botzer, Ishai Nir, Yoram Braw, Michal Shisha, and Shraga Shovaldownload
Autonomous Vehicles for Children with Mild Intellectual Disability: Perplexity, Curiosity, Surprise, and Confusion.Mattias Arvola, Mattias Forsblad, Mikael Wiberg, and Henrik Danielssondownload
Self-Determination Theory Applied To Museum Website Experiences: Fulfil Visitor Needs, Increase Motivation, and Promote EngagemenAlina Lushnikova, Christopher Morse, Sophie Doublet, Vincent Koenig, and Kerstin Bongard-Blanchydownload
Co-designing a Museum Application with People with Intellectual Disabilities: Findings and Accessible Redesign.Leandro Soares Guedes, Irene Zanardi, Marilina Mastrogiuseppe, Stefania Span, and Monica Landonidownload
Intentional Mind Wandering is Objectively Linked to Low Effort and Tasks with High Predictability.Catarina I. Peral-Fuster, Rhiannon S. Herold, Oliver Alder, Omar Elkelani, Sara Ines Ribeiro-Ali, Eleanor M. Deane, Alexander P. L. Martindale, Ziqiao Qi, Carina E. I. Westling, and Harry J. Witcheldownload
Lingering Delays in a Go/No-Go Task: Mind Wandering Delays Thought Probes Reliably But Not Reaction Times.Alexander P. L. Martindale, Eleanor M. Deane, Catarina I. Peral-Fuster, Omar Elkelani, Ziqiao Qi, Sara I. Ribeiro-Ali, Rhiannon S. Herold, Carina E. I. Westling, and Harry J. Witcheldownload